
Keeping runners of the Manitoba Marathon hydrated on race-day!

June 4, 2024

As the official water supplier of the Manitoba Marathon, World of Water and our franchisees donate over 5,000 gallons of water every year.

Each drop of DewDrop water represents not just hydration for the runners, but also symbolizes the collective support and encouragement of our community to champion health and wellness.

We’re Committed to Supporting Community Wellness

As a leader in the bottled water industry, we understand the importance of proper hydration – especially for athletes. We are honoured that our DewDrop water plays a small role in the success of each Marathon participant.

We would like to thank each one of our Winnipeg franchise locations for the time and support each year, this is a massive undertaking, and we would not be able to make it happen without your generosity.

We would like to wish each runner a safe and successful Marathon. Stay hydrated.